Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cerita Di Pagi Hari (:

kruk-kruk u'olls..

haha ada-ada je kan bunyi-bunyi pelik.. ini semua hasil dari berkawan dengan seorang insan bernama Nur Izzati Sadali!! hey budak..aku rindu kaw!! jom pegi penang jumpa Cap!!

tak tahu la nak rasa apa..after 2 weeks kerja macam main-main then suddenly kena report duty dekat ofis rasa awkward.. plus i am wearing a red jeans in the office now. mesti macam..apalah perempuan ni..sasuke ati dia je bergaya non-office look..pffftt..haha.. chill bebeh.. im rocking here. after lunch kena pergi obesea lagi.. "obesi la sangat kan..naik kereta sekangkang kera je pun".. 

anyway glad im home. this is who i am and this is my story. -end-

[x0x0: fafa]

Award For Me


hidup kena happy..barulah diri kita sendiri puas hati. setuju? saya setuju!!

so, after 2 weeks everything based on ikan, i am craving big meal based on meat or chicken. like seriously..

so my plan semalam i just drove to seksyen 20 just to get street burger. i just dont know why i did that macam la tak ada street burger dekat-dekat sini kan.. maybe sebab abang buat burger tu so teliti and so kemas. mayo die tak akan melempah keluar walaupun minta extra mayo.. and that meat.. just nyummy!!

muka excited dapat daging..haha :p

but my luck semalam is not like i expected.. abang burger baru yang buat. xsama. but who cares. my aim to get a burger and eat other than fish is DONE (:

suka spritzer sebab botol dia ada icon cumel..haha macam budak2 je kita ni

lepas gila kenyang and gila puas plus really gila happy..i drove back to pyramid just to get a massage. AWESOMENESS!!

everything works well and the MOST IMPORTANT thing was..i got myself an award.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Let's Play Code..

hey lets play code. its been a while seen i was a kid. ada banyak jenis code yang kita masa budak2 main..

1- each alphabet have its own number

A  B  C  D  E  F
1   2   3  4   5  6

2- each alphabet have its own alphabet

A  B  C  D  E  F

Z  Y  X  W V  U

3- haa..yang ni feymes..bahasa huruf tu sendiri (bahasa F, M dan lain-lain). and i believe semua orang faham. lets start decrypt!!

mufukafa safayafa dahfah pafakaifai blusflusherfer sefebabfab manfandifi katfat pufulaufau perferhenfentifianfan..haha gafaringfing!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

tick tock..i think..hee


i just felt want to write but i dont know what to write. i have tons of emotions and cant really describe what is it but to sums up..i am truly happy!!

see you guys later. xoxo. fafatwink.

p/s: miss you