Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hobi Zaman Tok Kaduk

Dear my open-space diary..pfffttt... =P

Christmas Eve menjelma lagi!! dan bila Christmas..its mean..CUTI!!!yeay!!owsem!!haha so for today's Christmas Eve, we celebrate with my makcik. All of her family memang suke berjalan-jalan kat area KL-Subang nie. Cakap orang Batu Pahat yet, they know well jalan kat KL-Subang nie taw. pergh..tabik I.hehe.

So, we did some preparation for their visit. Duk ngemas rumah then i found my primary scul nye hobi. guess what, its collecting stamps. *Real life, its never been hobby just trying to get the feel of what my mum used to.* Lagipun, my own stamp album is a present from my mum. *love her*

Monday, December 24, 2012

On the day @ Double Tree

Here comes the day. Starting day, tough!! [Venue: Double Tree by Hilton] =========================================================

1- Ada jejantas yang bersambung antara Ampang Park dengan Double Tree. Penat meredah rupanya jejantas tu hanya dibuka 10 pagi.

So turun la kami beramai-ramai. *sigh*

Jalan pintas, lalu belakang Ampang Park. Ala..tempat yang selalu ada tong sampah besar. Siap tengah cuci jalan tu lagi. *Menjaga kebersihan gak Ampang Park nie. Syabas! :)*

2- Cerita diatas jejantas bermula...

Pagi-pagi dah kena mendaki.. **owh saya makin kurus..daa

Haha..PENAT!!mendaki cam hape je..padahal tempatnye lintas jalan cmtuh je da ley lepas.. *yea..kami memang suka bersenam..bluekk!!

3- Kejayaan =D

udah sampai!!!!!!! Kolam die tingkat 10 okai..cun! Ase nak terjun je


Tamat sudah cerita latin pada hari ini..haha. owh lupa nk tangkap gambar kat dalam Double Tree tu. Lift jangan salah naik. Ntah pegi mana-mana je. 1st attempt melilau kat parking. MENGARUT! Till then..see ya <3

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nails Makeover

olla readers..

So here, i was giving a last minute task becoming MC for the upcoming workshop. I am a little bit nervous still I need to be prepare for the best, wouldn't I? and therefore I do 'nail makeup'..wee :)

This is how its look when putting henna. The colour is gorgeous!

How my nails looks like after wash off the henna. Its have its own tone!!! **The toys at the back its soo kiiuutt**

My reddish nails and me. The final result!!

Little Come Back

Yuhhuuu...after almost 2 tahun tak sentuh langsung..here i come :)

Alkisahnya:: ada seorang insan tetiba lak tanya sal blog. duk maen hentam email ngn password, terbukak la blog nie. rindu pulak untuk melakar kenangan..chewah *minah nie memang suke poyo*

So, here i come. I miss all the memories that happened lately and i think i should write it some for my backup especially. If anything happen to my lappy or my phone, at least gambar-gambar yang perlu diingati tak ada lah hilang.. I learned from my mistakes <3